Military Trail
Witness the brave sacrifices and read the stories of those who went to war from the Western Downs. Many lives were sacrificed on the battlefields far from their loved ones at home.

Honour those fallen with a military trail throughout the Western Downs. Start in Dalby for the ANZAC Park War Memorial and Gates, then head to The Bun Pub in Kaimkillenbun for the door of diggers’ signatures, Warra for its pub’s display of military photos and memories, followed by Trumpeter’s Corner in Jandowae, the cenotaph in Chinchilla, Miles’ Historical Village Museum Military Exhibit, ANZAC park, stay at Possum Park for a bunker experience, finishing at the Meandarra ANZAC Memorial Museum.
Military Trail in the Western Downs

Military Trail Details
- Dalby ANZAC Park War Memorial, Dalby War Memorial and Gates
- Kaimkillenbun – The Bun Pub
- Tara Walk of Remembrance
- Wandoan Soldier Settlers Avenue of Honour
- Warra – Warra Pub
- Trumpeter’s Corner, Jandowae
- Chinchilla Cenotaph in Chinchilla Botanic Parkland
- Miles Historical Village Museum Military Exhibit
- Miles ANZAC Park
- Miles – 20kms towards Wandoan – Possum Park (you must be visiting as a guest to see the military displays at Possum Park)
- Meandarra ANZAC Memorial Museum

Tour information/where to book
Self-drive (visit the Visitor Information Centre for more info or download the Western Downs app).