Myall Park Botanic Garden
Myall Park Botanic Garden at Glenmorgan is home to the floral emblem of Western Downs Regional Council.

Our story
Developed by amateur botanist David Gordon AM in the 1940’s on a ridge behind his home, many plants that thrive here are now extremely rare and sometimes extinct in their natural environment.
The gardens cover an area of 130 hectares, and contain plants which were propagated from seeds or cuttings which the Gordon family.
To do list
Take a self-guided bush garden walk or visit the on-site art gallery and gift shop which exhibits superb botanical paintings by the late Dorothy Gordon

Getting there and staying
Located just 7km from Glenmorgan, this is an internationally recognised botanic garden with Queensland’s oldest collection of Australian semi-arid zone flora.
Accommodation is available in a self-contained cottage or quarters,. There are also caravan and camping facilities. These is a strictly no pet policy.
Contact 0497 215 226 or email myallparkbotanic@gmail.com
For more information, click here.